Hours & Directions


Sugarbush Farm
591 Sugarbush Farm Road
Woodstock, VT 05091

Telephone: 802-457-1757 or toll free 800-281-1757, 9AM-5PM

Fax: 802-457-3269 24hrs a day

Email: contact@sugarbushfarm.com

GPS: 43.6
646.0, -72.4672.09


Free Admission
Weekdays, weekends and Holidays: 9AM-5PM
No reservation needed
(closed Thanksgiving Day & Christmas Day)

During the winter and early spring, (late November-early April) it's best to call ahead for hours and road conditions (1-800-281-1757)

Kids enjoy the farm animals during the warm months, learning about making maple syrup and enjoy cheese and maple syrup samples.

Dogs are welcome on a leash on the maple walk and the sugarhouse self tour.  We request no dogs in the tasting room or farm store due to cheese and food being sampled.

Important: Print out this page and bring it with you to receive a 10% discount on merchandise purchased at our farm store in Woodstock.

***Discount is not valid for web, telephone, shipping charges if order in the store or mail order orders.

Directions to the Farm
Three scenic roads lead off from US Route 4 to Sugarbush Farm from Woodstock, Quechee or Taftsville.  Our GPS address is 591 Sugarbush Farm Road, Woodstock, Vermont 05091. (One GPS system calls our town Pomfret, so if Woodstock doesn't work, use Pomfret).

From I-89* take Exit 1. Go west on US Rt 4 for .7 miles. Turn right onto Quechee Main Street. Pass through Quechee Village.  At 5.3 miles from the interstate the road splits; bear left (still Quechee Main Street) at the end of the village. Pass through the Quechee Country Club and turn right onto Hillside Road. Follow the yellow Sugarbush signs for two more miles to the farm.
From Woodstock go east on US Rt 4 for 3 miles and turn left down into the red Historic Taftsville Covered Bridge (not suitable for vehicles over 10 ft tall).  Coming out of the bridge go to the top of the hill and turn left onto Hillside Rd.  Follow yellow directional signs 3 miles from bridge to farm.
From I-89 Exit 1 go west on Rt 4 6.1 miles (passing over Quechee Gorge).  One half mile after the blinking light where Rt 12 joins Rt 4 turn right down through the Historic 1836 Covered Bridge (not suitable for vehicles over 10 feet tall).  Follow above directions from bridge to farm.

From Woodstock Village, take Route 12 north .4 miles. Turn right onto Old River Road (watch for Billings Farm sign). Continue on Old River Road 1.5 miles and bear left onto High Pastures Road. Go 2.6 miles to Sugarbush Farm Road.

*Mileage from I-89 Exit 1 is actually figured from the Mobil gas station off the interstate ramp.